Fabian Eckert
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of California, San Diego. I am also an Associate Editor at the Journal of International Economics.
interests:Trade, Economic Geography, and Macroeconomics
fpe at fpeckert dot me
fpe at ucsd dot edu
Urban-Biased Growth
w/ Sharat Ganapati
& Conor Walsh
[NBER SI EFG 2024 Slides]
[NBER WP #30515]
Transportation Infrastructure and City-Center Accessibility in the US and Europe
w/ Lucas Conwell
& Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
[NBER WP #30877, Old Version]
Spatial Structural Change
w/ Michael Peters
[Minneapolis Fed OIGI WP #63]
[NBER WP #30489]
The Geography of Opportunity
w/ Tatjana Kleineberg
[World Bank WP]
[Minneapolis Fed OIGI WP #47]
Journal of Political Economy
Combinatorial Discrete Choice
w/ Costas Arkolakis,
Rowan Shi
[Online Appendix]
[NBER WP #31877]
[Python Codes]
[Julia Codes]
American Economic Review
Sprouting Cities: How Rural America Industrialized
w/ John Juneau
& Michael Peters
[NBER WP #30874]
[Working Paper Version]
AEA Papers and Proceedings,
Volume 113, May 2023, pp.87-92
The Return to Big City Experience
w/ Mads Hejlesen
& Conor Walsh
[Minneapolis Fed OIGI WP #24]
Journal of Urban Economics
Volume 130, July 2022, 103454
[Danish Commuting Zones Data]
The Geography of Remote Work
w/ Lukas Althoff,
Sharat Ganapati,
& Conor Walsh
[NBER WP #29181]
Regional Science and Urban Economics
Volume 93, March 2022, 103770
Media Mentions:
[The Economist]
[The Economist]
[NBER Digest]
[NYT: Upshot]
[Bloomberg Opinion]
[Marketplace Podcast]
[Governing Magazine]
The Early County Business Pattern Files: 1946-1974
w/ Ka-leung Lam,
Atif Mian,
Karsten Muller
Rafael Schwalb
Amir Sufi
[Data Files]
[NBER WP #30578]